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Following the recent announcements, we now continue to build our plans around the government’s roadmap to recovery, to support you all in reopening your pubs safely, and brilliantly, including:

Brewing schedule and Beer range – thank you for submitting your re-opening surveys, as this has assisted Nick and the team in our brewing plan and scheduling, and also informed the beer range that will be available from when you are able to trade from April 12th.

Pint of Everards Tiger


You should have now seen the announcement from Dave Pawson about the first myEverards Virtual Roadshow giving you chance to get involved in some interactive sessions, meet some new suppliers and also hear more from the Everards home team, as the topics above will be covered within those sessions.

As more information becomes available on these key areas, a member of the Everards home team will share on all communication channels, including FB Connect, email and myEverards. We will also have one place on myEverards where we will save all briefings, documents and videos making everything easy to access and refer back to over the coming weeks.

We hope this will provide valuable support in the lead up to opening your pub doors once again and welcoming your customers back who we are sure have missed their local pub, you and your teams.

Any questions, please contact your BRM or a member of the Everards home team.

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Click here for more on the myEverards Virtual Roadshow

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