£1,490 transforms space in church
The church has invested in a new meeting area to be used by mothers & toddlers, the elderly and the local community for social gatherings, occasional meetings and coffee mornings.
What a fantastic achievement! Congratulations to our fantastic business owners who have been recognised and awarded with the British Institute of Innkeeping (BII) Heart of the Community award for all they have done to support their local communities at this challenging time.
The BII Heart of the Community Award is uniquely not about competing with another company or individual to see who is the best. It is about the BII recognising ALL of the people who have gone above and beyond for their communities; coming together and looking out for each other, no matter what they needed themselves.
We couldn't be more proud to have 11 of our pubs and their business owners awarded as winners this year!
You can read each pubs story on the BII winners page here.