£500 funds new fire door in Cosby
Paul Hodges, Landlord of The Bulls Head pub in Cosby nominated his local community library to gain much needed funding when he heard about the We Got This campaign via Everards.
The Peter Le Marchant Trust has been running highly subsidised canal boat trips for the elderly, disabled and seriously ill for over 40 years.
The Trust was set up to commemorate Peter Le Marchant who passed away at a young age in the early 1970s. They have three boats Symphony, Serenade and Melody and last year alone they provided boat trips to over 4,000 people. The group’s aim is to provide a
‘day of brightness’ for those that join the trips. The days out provide respite for carers as well as therapeutic qualities, especially for those suffering with mental health problems.
Nominated for support by Tim Marren, the Trust’s Chief Executive Officer, the funding awarded is being used to continue to provide subsidised trips and to cover maintenance costs of their fleet.
Our activity has long term benefits to the local community with research showing that spending time close to water has a positive impact on health and wellbeing. This funding will help us provide more people the chance to experience a day out like this. Tim,
Peter Le Marchant Trust
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